With over 35 years of experience as a former provincial officer and subject matter expert with the Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (the ministry), Warren Lusk of Lusk Geo Inc. can:
- assess and report on groundwater quality and quantity incidents and development,
- assess and report on water well and geothermal incidents and design,
- defend his observations, conclusions and recommendations in tribunal and court hearings, and
- provide various education and outreach opportunities for well technicians, environmental professionals, inspectors and the general public on water wells, geothermal systems and groundwater resource management.
With extensive field, permission (approval) and compliance experience, Warren became the “go-to” subject matter expert on water wells and geothermal systems with the ministry.
As a government subject matter expert in groundwater, water wells and geothermal systems, Warren was heavily involved in:
- implementing legislative and guideline policy,
- training,
- reviewing scientific reports,
- supporting compliance activities,
- supporting enforcement (charges) activities including Court, and
- developing policy (legislation and regulation).
Successful high-profile permission, compliance and Court conviction achievements include:
- addressing pressurized explosive hazardous gas conditions at geothermal sites in Niagara Falls, Oakville, Toronto and Brampton,
- addressing a sewage contamination that entered a communal well and resulted in thousands of people becoming ill and hospitalized,
- addressing uncontrolled flowing artesian groundwater conditions in Sundridge and Millbrook, Ontario resulting in extensive property damage, and
- developing a geothermal permission system that allowed industry to continue working while protecting public safety and the environment.
As a team member and subject matter expert for the Ontario Government, Warren was the lead technical author for:
- Water Supply Wells – Requirements and Best Management Practices Manual,
- Test Holes & Dewatering Wells – Requirements and Best Management Practices Manual,
- Seventeen technical bulletins which summarize Test Holes & Dewatering Wells Manual,
- Eleven technical bulletins which summarize the Water Supply Wells Manual,
- the Earth Energy Systems in Ontario Technical Bulletin, and
- the Wells on Your Property Article Page at Ontario.ca.
Warren has presented key government policy, science and compliance information (with his own case study examples) on water wells, geothermal systems and groundwater to:
- the Ontario Ground Water Association,
- Professional Geoscientist of Ontario,
- municipalities such as the City of Guelph and Region of Waterloo,
- Ontario Geothermal Association,
- the Federal Government, and
- conferences such as the Open House hosted by the Ontario Geological Survey, Conservation Ontario and the Geological Survey of Canada.
From 2013 to 2019 and as a “go-to” subject matter expert, Warren provided in house and hands on training for Ontario Government employees in water wells and geothermal systems to help:
- understand wells and geothermal systems and the legislation,
- how to review work plans and create conditions on permissions, and
- develop compliance strategies to address incidents.
Over the years, the Ontario Government recognized Warren’s accomplishments by presenting Warren with the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks’ highest award, the Emerald Award, on two occasions and the Ontario Government’s highest award, the Amethyst Award, on one occasion.
With the creation of Lusk Geo Inc., Warren will continue helping to protect public health, public safety and the environment while promoting groundwater for development, water wells and geothermal systems.